I hope this post finds you well. Though the Yorktown Zoning Board of Appeals correctly took the time to thoughtfully deliberate the 5 zoning variances (3 of which we object to) for FBC until at least December 8th, 2011, we need to gear up and get ready for the next phases of the approval process. The state Department of Environmental Conservation must approve the application. There has been no action on the DEC application since 3/14/2011.
FBC's application is incomplete and will not be approved in its current form for various deficiencies For example, the "pervious pavers" proposed for the wetland lot are considered "impervious" by the State and the retention tank below does not constitute a buffer zone between the parking lot and the Class 1 wetlands; the "most desirable and sensitive" of all the designated wetlands.
Additionally, as the DEC engineer conveyed to me, the proposed retention tank under the "pervious" pavers does NOT constitute a buffer from the wetland. Thankfully the DEC will not approve the wholesale elimination of the required wetland buffer as the applicant has proposed; there is no precedent for such action.
However, we must be prepared. There will be a very short, 15 day public comment period. The church and the state will not let you know when it begins, but I will make sure you are fully aware when the 15 day window is opened. Please start drafting your letter outlining the numerous environmental concerns for the proposed new development of a church and school for troubled youths.
You can monitor FBC's progress with the DEC by clicking on this link to the State's website and entering application #3-5554-00298/00001 (don't enter the # sign). The image below illustrates what you should see/enter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the DEC engineer assigned to the project, Rebecca Crist. She is much more versed in these applications than I am. Her information is as follows:
Rebecca S Crist
21 South Putt Corners Rd, New Paltz, NY 12561
email: rscrist@gw.dec.state.ny.us
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