Mohegan Lake Legal Defense Fund

History of this site

This site was originally set up to fight 3 of 5 zoning variances proposed by the FBC development at Sagamore Trail and Mohegan Ave that eliminates two single family homes while nearly quadrupling the parking and occupancy loads of the old Lakeland Jewish Center. That effort failed and the application is currently before the Planning Board.

While Save Mohegan Lake will continue to update you on that issue, we are moving on to all issues affecting the lake, such as Mohegan Lake Improvement District (MLID) meetings, agenda and budget. This site is not an official mouthpiece for MLID, but some updates will be provided on this site; the official site is located here.

We do it all here, so long as it's Mohegan Lake related. Feel free to submit comments, content, garage sale notices, police blotters, PSA's, essays on the virtues of our 105 acre ice rink, rants, raves, etc... We love it all.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Save Us, Mr. Plow

Over the holidays, I found myself home alone for a couple days.  No kids.  No wife.  I took the opportunity to patronize a couple local eateries: Wild Fusion Asian Sushi Grill and Bar (winner of the 2012 award for longest restaurant name, ever), and Brodie's.   The Winery was closed. I found out after I trudged through the snow for a snifter of wine. [note: all of the following photos below were taken well past the 12 hour completion of this "precipitation event"; note the dry roads]

Which brings me to my main point: snow removal is your friend.  It's a friend of business because if walking to your establishment is an option, that's a good thing.  As a consumer, I sure like that option too.  Especially if parking is tight (route 6, I'm looking at you) and you can walk to a couple nearby businesses without moving your car.  Yorktown wisely, it would seem, put a local law on the books at the end of 2011. You can read the whole thing here on the Yorktown website. You can also see a map of the snow removal districts.  A couple small, out of the way ones that appear in areas you wouldn't suspect, like camp Nabby.

There is a sidewalk under there.  I promise.

Apparently these are some of the snow removal districts.  Pffffft.  Doesn't mean anything if you don't enforce the law.

The law reads, in part:

In a Snow Removal District within twelve 12 hours after a precipitation event has concluded, the owner and or occupant of premises abutting or bordering on paved sidewalks along a town street shall remove all snow and ice from such sidewalks or in the cases where the snow and ice on the sidewalks cannot be removed without injury to the sidewalks shall thoroughly cover the sidewalk with sand salt or other suitable material so as to make the sidewalk safe for public use.
"Precipitation event." Good stuff.  But seriously, the Yorktown lawmakers had their hearts in the right place when they passed this legislation.  I just wish they would take the next step and enforce it. Sometimes I feel like there's literally no enforcement around these parts. 
Kneeling bus won't help you here. 

To be clear, Yorktown put the onus of compliance on the property owner.  In most cases, the business occupying the commercial space is simply renting from a landlord and is not responsible--nor should they be(unless clearly spelled out in the lease)--for the snow removal. 

Lexington and Mohegan.
We are left with a hot mess that is--ironically--cold and icy and incredibly hard to get rid of after--say--a 12 hour period.  There is no foreseeable let up in the freezing temps.  You might think that I'm just a whiner, but I'm reminded of my mother who was taken too soon by cancer; she spent the last yeqr or so in a wheelchair.  ADA accessibility is poor to begin with and snow and ice can make sidewalks impassable.  I can't imagine my pregnant wife traversing some of these areas with our 3 maniac beautiful children. 
Hold on Grandma, it may be a bumpy ride to the tea house. 

What would I do to fix the problem, you ask?  I would start by enforcing the law.  Issue a violation to a property owner for non-compliance accompanied by a civil penalty.  Not a bad source of revenue either.  Maybe owners just consider the fines the cost of doing business.  Maybe they actually shovel and salt their walks. Landlord doesn't pay the fine?  That's easy, the civil penalty becomes a judgement lien and sits on the title of the property. It's not rocket science.  We could even go further and hire companies to clear the sidewalks of deadbeat owners and bill them back for this service.  Let's be reasonable and start small though.  Baby steps. If only Yorktown had an employee(s) responsible for enforcing our laws.  If only.

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