Mohegan Lake Legal Defense Fund

History of this site

This site was originally set up to fight 3 of 5 zoning variances proposed by the FBC development at Sagamore Trail and Mohegan Ave that eliminates two single family homes while nearly quadrupling the parking and occupancy loads of the old Lakeland Jewish Center. That effort failed and the application is currently before the Planning Board.

While Save Mohegan Lake will continue to update you on that issue, we are moving on to all issues affecting the lake, such as Mohegan Lake Improvement District (MLID) meetings, agenda and budget. This site is not an official mouthpiece for MLID, but some updates will be provided on this site; the official site is located here.

We do it all here, so long as it's Mohegan Lake related. Feel free to submit comments, content, garage sale notices, police blotters, PSA's, essays on the virtues of our 105 acre ice rink, rants, raves, etc... We love it all.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Wow.  It sure is special when the lake freezes and--even if for just a few brief days--we have a very different and intimate experience of Mohegan Lake; from ice fishing to skating, it's a beautiful asset for the whole lake community. 

Alone with his thoughts, and some frozen fishes.  In the distance, the Holland Sporting Club property.

It's important that the Shrub Oak Lake Estates (SOLE) home owners are cognizant that, in addition to the parking at the SOLE beach, they have a permanent deeded right to park on another lakefront lot "at all times" and "at no cost."  When SOLE sold this parcel to the Lakeland Jewish Center (now Faith Bible Church [FBC]), it stipulated 5 permanent terms and conditions when they sold it to Lakeland Jewish, and those terms still carry the weight of law.   I only mention it because some of the legally required signage indicating the SOLE member parking seems to have gone missing.  The deed restrictions clearly state such signage should be present; just be aware it is available for SOLE members to use in addition to FBC members.   You can read the history of that parcel here[Click "read more" below to continue reading]

Detail of the SOLE-FBC wetland parking lot deed.
The peach area is the shared SOLE-FBC private parking lot.

Of course the Mohegan Highlands Property Owners Association (MHPOA) members can park on the MHPOA beach and SOLE members are always welcome, but it's a much tighter parking scene  (plus you need a key or MHPOA member to open it up).

So, in summary.  Wow.  We sure are lucky to live so close to such an awesome lake.  Keep thinking cold thoughts and we'll get through this warm-front.  Hopefully we'll get a couple more days of a safely frozen lake (it's NOT safe now; don't even think about it).

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