Mohegan Lake Legal Defense Fund

History of this site

This site was originally set up to fight 3 of 5 zoning variances proposed by the FBC development at Sagamore Trail and Mohegan Ave that eliminates two single family homes while nearly quadrupling the parking and occupancy loads of the old Lakeland Jewish Center. That effort failed and the application is currently before the Planning Board.

While Save Mohegan Lake will continue to update you on that issue, we are moving on to all issues affecting the lake, such as Mohegan Lake Improvement District (MLID) meetings, agenda and budget. This site is not an official mouthpiece for MLID, but some updates will be provided on this site; the official site is located here.

We do it all here, so long as it's Mohegan Lake related. Feel free to submit comments, content, garage sale notices, police blotters, PSA's, essays on the virtues of our 105 acre ice rink, rants, raves, etc... We love it all.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Judgement (Valentine's) Day

February 14th is the return date (the day the judge is set to render a decision).  The town attorney's office asked me to adjourn the matter for a couple of weeks.  I respectfully said no. That decision was partly emotional, being so close to the issue and not having the means to afford an attorney to represent my family; it was also based on the fact that the ZBA certified their vote with the town clerk in 4 days.  Normally it takes at least a month, if not longer.  My research with the town clerk's office covering the last 12 months shows that this move was unprecedented (I'll show you the data if you email me at
I apologize for not cropping this painting before I posted it the first time.  I promise to steal it from the artist and scan it in one shot so we don't have that unsightly crease in the center as well.  Fine art though, right?
Unless the judge grants an adjournment without my consent, it should all happen very quickly.  Though it's quite possible the judge needs more time to review it because of a heavy case load or whatnot.  I honestly have no idea what is about to happen because I'm not an attorney and have never done this before.  It's all rather exciting and scary. What if the judge reprimands me and I end up looking like an ass and all of Yorktown hates me, forever.  That would suck.

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